Mark! I always knew you were a deep thinker; but, I didn't realize you were such a good -- and prolific -- writer! Somehow I stumbled onto one of your later essays about our fractional reserve money system. I thought to myself, "D@mn, Mark! This is good!"

This morning, I went back to read it again; and, I finally figured out this is a newsletter! Duh-h-h... sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake.

I just subscribed! Now, it appears I have a lot of reading to catch up on!

Thanks, Mark! Rock on!

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Brent shared this with me, I'm really looking forward to reading these.. Thank You!

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Brilliantly written and makes perfect sense. One of my friends says that we haven’t had enough “strife” in too long and that we need to experience “strife” for a catharsis. I will refrain from commenting more until I have a chance to listen to or read the book.

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